
ovarian cancer trial

ANZGOG subgroup study of ovarian and breast cancer patients EMBRACE closes to recruitment

EMBRACE is a Phase II clinical trial of the PARP inhibitor, olaparib, in HR-deficient metastatic breast and relapsed ovarian cancer in patients without germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Dr Katrin Sjoquist, Medical Oncologist [...]

ANZGOG subgroup study of ovarian and breast cancer patients EMBRACE closes to recruitment2022-07-01T11:34:46+10:00

Dr Rachel Campbell discusses findings from a new publication for the MOST-S26 study

A new journal has been published by the National Library of Medicine for ANZGOG's MOST-S26 study. The Measure of Ovarian Symptoms and Treatment study (MOST-S26) detected an improvement in symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, psychological [...]

Dr Rachel Campbell discusses findings from a new publication for the MOST-S26 study2021-09-15T00:55:56+10:00
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